Gavin Ongsingco

Dr. Gavin Ongsingco is a Physical Therapist, board certified Orthopedic Clinical Specialist (OCS), and Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS). He is the owner/founder of Power-Up Physical Therapy located in Denver, CO.

He holds a Bachelors degree in Exercise Science from Cal Lutheran University, as well as a Doctorate degree in Physical Therapy from the University of St. Augustine. Gavin also completed Rancho Physical Therapy’s Orthopedic Residency Program and is among less than 10% of all physical therapists to have earned a board certification as an Orthopedic Clinical Specialist.

Gavin believes in the resiliency and potential of the human body, which allows individuals to live their best lives through meaningful activities. He enjoys working with active individuals of all ages and is passionate about maximizing their inner athlete through education and empowerment. Gavin likes to lead by example by also living an active lifestyle while prioritizing strength training and fitness.

Outside of the clinic, Gavin enjoys CrossFit style training, snowboarding, cooking, and going on adventures with his girlfriend(Roxanne) and their two dogs (Buddy and Holly).

Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)

Exp. 10/2022

ABPTS- Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist (OCS)

Exp. N/A

NSCA- Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)

Exp. N/A

B.S- Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Exp. N/A


Exp. 07/2022

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